2 in stock
The Beaches of Scotland Scotland is renowned for its dramatic, fierce landscapes, but many people don't realise that some of the country's most exhilarating scenery rests on its coastline. The Beaches of Scotland by Stacey MacGowan Holloway is a guide to over 150 hand-picked beaches around Scotland's coast stretching from the mainland to the Outer Hebrides before sweeping north to Orkney and Shetl…
5 in stock
Birds of the British Isles identifies over 180 popular species. Photographs, plumage, distinctive features, habitat and calls are used to aid identification. Paperback 20cms x 14.5cms
1 in stock
If forests are the lungs of our planet, then animals migrating across oceans, streams and mountains - eating, pooping and dying along the way - are its heart and arteries, pumping nitrogen and phosphorus from deep-sea gorges up to mountain peaks, from the Arctic to the Caribbean. Without this conveyor belt of crucial, life sustaining nutrients, the world would look very different. Eat, Poop, Die…
16 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the many different bees we have in this country.
20 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the many different butterflies we have in this country and Ireland.
43 in stock
A handy field guide of Cetaceans and Seals found in the UK, with detailed pictures and size comparisons to help with identification.
3 in stock
A great guide for identifying the dragonflies and damselflies that you are likely to spot around the UK.
11 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the many different plants growing in our hedgerows.
7 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the many different ladybirds we have in this country.
16 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the many different birds that we get in our gardens & parks.
9 in stock
This laminated field guide is handy to have in your car or backpack when out walking or just in your kitchen drawer. With detailed pictures as well as informative facts you'll be able to identify the different shark egg cases that we get on our beaches.